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And her cast of imaginary friends
Twitter @spacemalao

Thursday, September 18, 2008
London to Nottingham

I have not been able to settle my internet in my hall room till now. So I have a lot to say. I arrived in the University Nottingham after a 3+hr bus ride from Heathrow Airport.

We're now in our temporary halls at Sherwood. It's quite old but the company is good.

Dinner? was disgusting on the first night. SWEET AND SOUR PORK WITH RICE. BAD CHOICE.

We were all amused to see geese crossing the road.

The Trent Building with the Lake!

I kind of miss London's Leicester Square and the craziness of London. The night before we left for Nottingham, Seejia and I visited Tate(we intend to go back at least one more time) and watched Wicked! I hope we'll go back soon.


I still miss home. It feels lonely when I realise I won't see everyone till later. Much later. I still cry. Hopefully it will get better.