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And her cast of imaginary friends
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Saturday, September 13, 2008
Picks for the Biennale

This is Sally. One of the Red Carpet crawling friends I made at City Hall.

Yesterday (which was Friday, my apologies cos my blog os working on a different time zone) I went to visit City Hall and the Shigeru Ban pavilion. I really enjoyed the crazy artwork at City Hall.. Pity I don't have the opportunity to visit the South Beach Development.

Listen to me!
1) Bring a camera (or a few), unlike the last time, photography at the Biennale is almost highly encouraged.
2) Bring your student card to pay $5 instead of $10 for your ticket to all 3 payable locations.
3) Wear comfortable shoes. I saw a girl in crazy heels. I was praying she would topple over one of Ngoc Duong's Maggots.

Stuff to Look Out for
Die die, cannot miss..
1) Sergio Prego's Black Monday (City Hall)
2) Desiree Dorlon's Xterior I,II,IV, VIII (City Hall)
3) Jane Lee's Raw Canvas (City Hall)

Grand Award for Effort!
Can't believe anyone will spend so much time doing this...
- Jong-Gun Han's Evolutional Mythology (City Hall)
This guy massaged gourds when they grew so they would resemble human faces!

Award for Artwork I Wish I could Bring Home
-Pham, Ngoc Duong's Maggots (City Hall)

This time around, the biennale is more accessible to the layman like me. Symbolisms are easy to grasp as the works are relatively more literal than the last Biennale. I think it is important to go with an open mind, ditch reading the explanations and enjoy the works as they are.

I wish I can stay on... but I'm leaving tonight. So please tell me what I've missed!