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And her cast of imaginary friends
Twitter @spacemalao

Friday, September 26, 2008
Robin Hood & Yoga

Seejia showing us how to enjoy the forest...

Yesterday we went to Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood. Ok it wasn't exactly the most exciting place to go to. But it is a must since I am here. Besides trees, bushes and a suspicious collection of mushrooms, Sherwood Forest was just a forest... just with a long history.. (which honestly, makes it creepy). I couldn't find any men in green tights!

Today I went to "Freshers' Fayre" which is when all the freshmen (and clueless exchange students) go to, to sign up for clubs and societies. You won't imagine the kind of societies they have here. Cheese Society, Chocolate Society and Pirate Society - the strangest societies I could find that had their booths among more common clubs like hockey and football, all in a large white marquee on campus. I joined Yoga Society, New Theatre, Architecture Society and Travel Society. So maybe I got a little carried away with the signing up. Just that the process of signing up looked so much like shopping, I couldn't help myself! Each freshmen is given a voucher, when they decide to join a society, the person at the booth will stick a barcode on it. After you made your decisions and collected (usually more than 1) barcodes for the societies you wish to join, you queue up and the "cashier" scans it in and you pay the total amount for your membership fees! What a gimmick! haha and obviously, I fell into the trap!

Pity we didn't manage to get tickets to Alton Towers on Saturday so I might go for a party on Friday night and go shopping on Saturday afternoon (yipee too!). I hope people here think I'm cool. I doubt.