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And her cast of imaginary friends
Twitter @spacemalao

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
When Does School REALLY Start?

Oh My Gosh. Sorry for not blogging for bloody long. The Internet here is HORRIBLE. I have problems with the Internet and the school portal. When I called the help line, they asked me to send them an email cos they are "extremely busy at the moment". HELLO? If I could access my email, you think I want to call the helpline to chat ah?

Anyway I have just moved into my new room, which will be my home for the next couple of months. I was really lucky to be located in the new block of the Ancaster Hall which was only built 6 years ago, compared to the main block which was built 40+ years ago. But, I still got all my disinfectants from Sainsbury's and Wilkinsons to clean and scrub. Don't judge me! I promise I will post pictures of my room once I receive my stuff from Singapore and properly do up my room till I can feel fully at home.

Week 1 in Nottingham is NOTHING LIKE NUS. I only register for my modules on Friday (by the way, registration is MANUAL haha). In the mean time, there are so many parties (parties, not panties) and day trips planned during the week. Today I went to Cadbury World with Stephanie. Oh my gosh... popcorn and warm liquid chocolate on top.... BESTEST! There is also a day trip to Sherwood Forest (to find Robin Hood and the other men in green tights!) And Saturday there is a trip to Alton Towers, which is a huge theme park. I hope we manage to get tickets for those. At night (every night), the hall bars are busy and buses bring party-goers to clubs for a night out. It is insane. The "Chancellor's Welcome" - which was by the Vice-Chancellor to the freshmen was CRAZY. At 9pm, 6000 people packed into a dark sports hall that was miraculously changed into a Rave! Throbbing lights, pyro and palpitating music! Nothing like our "Dean's Tea". The culture here is just mad. Wish everyone was here to see this... it is just too much to explain.

Stephanie holding Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate SAMPLES!

Photos from the "very different" style of Freshmen Address & Welcome