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And her cast of imaginary friends
Twitter @spacemalao

Sunday, June 21, 2009
To Desert My Dissertation

While many students enjoy the long summer vacation,
Poor 4th year Architecture students are made to do their
10,000 word dissertation*.
*yes, I know it is considered a short paper for other faculties, but please consider how Architecture students are very use to using other means to communicate ideas other than the written word
Since the holidays started in May
I have precisely ZERO words typed out for my paper...
but just drips and draps of handwritten points and paragraphs.
As my dissertation supervisor, Bobby, would say-
"...it is like reading the unwritten..."
...whatever that means...
So while I ponder on the "Existential Thinker"
and his (overly) rigorous examination of the human condition,
my mind gets easily side-tracked by the offerings of
YouTube, Facebook & other websites you won't normally classify as "highly educational".