Interim Crit
I n t e r i m C r i t 3
.H i s t o r y & T h e o r y P a n e l.
Florian Schaetz, Tsuto Sakamoto, Eric L'Heureux
.H i s t o r y & T h e o r y P a n e l. Bobby Wong (my supervisor) & Khoo Peng Beng
discussing Chin Wei's Project
.U r b a n P a n e l. Erwin Viray, Davisi Bootharm, Ruzica Bozovic-Stamenovic
(yes I did have to check the schedule to get Ruzica's named spelled right...)
.S t u d e n t B e f o r e C r i t.Huilian anxiously going through her presentation behind the movable boards
.S t u d e n t A f t e r C r i t.Dawn steals a moment behind the boards
& is happily reunited with her forums on her netbook again